Personal Life

Stress Free From Finals!

Needs Sheet from the Book Night

Cow Pie Kitchen Activity
Cover of Share out Slide

Materials Needed for Stress Balls

  1. Spoons
  2. Bowls
  3. Funnels
  4. Orbeez or scented, ball-shaped, gel air-fresheners (We used the Renuzit scent swirl coconut, plumeria, & pineapple scent)
  5. Flour
  6. Any rice
  7. Plastic water bottle
  8. Balloons

How to Make Flour Stress Balls

  1. Pour about a cup of flour into plastic bottle using the funnel (1)
  2. Squeeze the bottle to minimize the amount of air getting into the balloon
  3. Put the balloon over the mouth of the bottle (2)
  4. Flip the water bottle upside down & fill to desired size (3)
  5. Take the balloon off of the bottle & tie it

How to Make Orbeez Stress Balls

  1. Pull the bottom of a rubber balloon through the funnel opening (1)
  2. Wrap the mouth of the balloon around the funnel (2)
  3. Place 2-3 orbeez at a time into the balloon, using your fingers or a spoon to push down them down the neck of the balloon(3)
  4. Continue adding orbeez until desired size, then tie it

How to Make Rice Stress Balls

  • Take a balloon & stretch out the mouth of the balloon (1)
  • Stick a funnel through the mouth (optional step)
  • Pour the rice through the funnel or directly through the balloon
  • Fill it up & tie the end to secure the balloon (2)

Conclusion/Overall Experience

After making three different types of stress balls, I concluded that the rice and flour stress balls were more durable and longer lasting compared to the orbeez stress balls. For some people, the stress balls had popped or exploded because the material of the balloons were too thin so it was more prone to popping. The problem we ran into was not having the orbeez or flour to stay in the balloon; it kept wanting to ¨spit out¨ what was being put inside of the balloon.

Making the orbeez stress ball was complicated but we created a method using our funnels. The flour stress balls were even more complicated and was very messy! We had to search up a technique on how to put flour inside of the balloon. We ended up using a water bottle to put the flour inside but I had to pay $2.49 at Chipotle for ONE water bottle… it was a waste of money, but it had to be done. The rice one was made by one of my group members but unfortunately she wasn’t able to come to the group’s rendezvous. We had a couple of incidences where the balloon popped while we were making the stress balls and it got really messy. I believe the rice stress balls were the easiest to make and it’s one of the best due to its texture. To add, the rice stress balls can also be used as phone stands! Overall, we were at the rocky start but once we found out how to make them, we gradually became faster and faster at making them.

Final Result/Thoughts

Our final result turned out great! A lot of different people in our second period English class enjoyed the stress balls and I was glad that I helped to contribute to relieving their stress. Lots of people loved the different textures and we allowed the person to choose what stress ball they liked the most so it can accommodate for their need.

If there was a next time to do this, I would definitely do it at a backyard or at someone’s house because we were right outside of Blaze Pizza and a good amount of people passed by wondering what we were doing (some even came that were from our school!). Also, I would definitely bring water bottles for the flour stress balls since they were more intricate to make.

All of the Stress Balls We Made
On My Mind

All is not Quiet on the Poem

Image from Pixabay

It all started with a letter

Interest and pride sparked

Maybe it’s for the better?

Who knew you embarked

When did you go?

Where are you now?

In the war?

When and where should I bow?

Tell me that you’re coming home

I don’t know what I’d do without you

Please don’t be still like a gnome

L00king up at the sky is blue

I took you for granted

Now this is my pay

This world is slanted

I did not know how much this would weigh

The bombardments scatter

War is not a game

This doesn’t make me flatter

Do you think you’ll get fame?

I’m sitting here alone in the room

With nothing to do but to wonder

If you don’t come back, I’ll be in a tomb

I guess all I do is ponder

Where are you hiding? Come out please?

I need someone to not be a tease

Be careful, beware

Don’t give me a jumpscare

Personal Life

Playing has Purpose

Image from Pixabay

“I always thought play in school was essential because it allows the child to be free. They’re cooped up in classrooms together and taught to think in a certain way, as if other perspectives are deemed incorrect. When children are given play time, their minds think in many different ways that could not be stimulated by just school work.” – Tiffany Vo

Today was different. In a good way. Global School Play Day was what I was looking forward to. When I think about school, I think of stress, homework, projects, and tests. All of those things are absolutely horrid. A getaway day would be perfect; to just play, have fun, and act like a kid again. Hearing that ball bounce, the thump of the football, the shuffling of the cards, the shouts of glee. Playing is made for everyone; no matter the age. Everyone needs to be able to play at one point in their lives. To keep us sane. Playing is very important for the mind and body.

Global play day takes place in early February. You get an opportunity to be able to play. Unless, the teacher(s) don’t allow it. I believe Global School Play Day should be available to every classroom, because balancing hard work and fun is very important. Play has many positive benefits towards children, such as “[allowing] children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength,” according to pediatrics. Overall, play has many benefits towards anyone’s body, especially towards children.

Expanding on what pediatrics say, Peter Gray stated on his Ted Talk that “there has been a continuous erosion in children’s freedom and opprotunity to play, to really play, to freely play.” He also talks about how school has changed so much over the course of his lifetime, that play has been decreased in schools while homework has been increased. Play is not the same as playing in a sport, because “play, by definition, is self-controlled and self-directed.” All in all, play in the past was much greater compared to today’s day in age, and that part of our freedom has been taken away.

In addition, I believe teachers should allow global play day because by the name, it’s only one day. One day out of the five days in a week taken away is not too important. Learning can always be caught up on, but enjoying our youth doesn’t last forever. Our parents and school pressure us students to grow up faster and to think about our future even more, setting aside our childhood. We can only be and act like a kid for so long, after that time has expired, we become adults. Our youth gone in just a couple of years in just a blink of an eye. When we become adults, we stay like that forever. This is why I believe teachers should allow play, because we need to be able to cherish our memories as a kid as much as we can before it’s too late.

Image from Pixabay

Teachers should realize play can have way more benefits than actual learning of information. Pediatrics recommend outdoor playing to allow children “to learn how to work in groups, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, and to learn self-advocacy skills,” which are very helpful life skills in the future. Teachers should help aid parents into creating a foundation for the childrens’ life skills by letting them interact with one another. After all, teachers and parents have the ability to shape a child’s personality. When children play, they’re able to express themselves freely and use their imagination to play with other friends and create friendships. All of this can be accomplished through play.

On global play day, I was grateful enough to play in at least one of periods out of six. In that one period, I played the card game, UNO, and spoons. As my friends and I finished our first round of UNO, our teacher was able to join us for our second round! After our two rounds of UNO, my friends and I switched to playing spoons. I won both games of UNO and spoons! It was a blast. Play made me felt happy inside, as if I was reliving my childhood moments. My friends also had a a great time. Memories were created. Laughs came out. Just us being kids.

Personal Life

A List for my Bucket

I wish to…

1. Make a wedding cake

Wedding Gifts, Cake, Wedding Cake, Get Married

Image from Pixabay

2. Skydive

Skydivers, Sky, Clouds, San Diego, California, Ground

Image from Pixabay

3. Go to Disneyland

Image from Pixabay

4. Have a sleepover

Sleep, Bed, Woman, Bedroom, Sleeping, Dream, Tired

Image from Pixabay

5. Visit the Eiffel Tower

Image from Pixabay

6. Play videogames with friends

Image from Pixabay

7. Meet/ride a horse

Image from Pixabay

8. Adopt a shiba inu

Image from Pixabay

9. Eat healthier foods & exercise

Image from Pixabay

10. Calligraphy

Image from Pixabay

Story Time

Bird – ASMR

The bird was looking. Watching. For a meal. The sun was still high and dry. Beaming its lethargic rays toward the bird. Suddenly, the bird caught a feast of worms in the corner of its eye. He departed and swooped down low to catch its meal. Whoosh said the wind. As the bird was nearing. The trees were singing in its harmonious melody. Finally, the bird savored and ate one worm at a time. Gulp said the bird. As the squishing sounds of the worms scrambling to escape, as they knew it would be their final moments of life. Safety, the bird thought. It was wrong. A bird hunter, in perfect position, shot out the net. Swoosh went the net gun. The bird was grasping for help, trying to escape from its end. Chirp chirp! “Instead his father took the bird, now tame and trusting, in his hands and broke its neck.” Crack went the bird. As its bones crushed, leading to its end.

Personal Life

The House on Morning Glory Street


white and grey concrete building near swimming pool under clear sky during daytime
Image from unsplash

If only everyone can have whatever they want, but they can’t. That’s not real. Life goes a different way. Its way. We can’t control everything in life; we just go with the flow. Degrees, houses, cars, and other materialistic items center around our lives. One thing that I think, on a day to day basis is my house and car that my family has. I’m always afraid when my house is brought up. It’s a burden, I feel embarrassed and sensitive about it. It’s not the most appealing thing to look at inside or out. Just a house. I’d ponder on what people would think about it; judging it to the last tile in the house. However, I’ve learned to accept the things I have. Be grateful. I think to myself that others don’t have what I have. Everyone has a different house, car, everything.  We can’t always be the same. I wouldn’t want to trade anything for what I have. As they say, One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Everything is a gift. Everything is home.

Kill em with Kindness

soldier walking on wooden pathway surrounded with barbwire selective focus photography
Image from unsplash

I recall a memory that my grandpa told me. The Vietnam War. While my grandma was taking care of her children: my aunts, uncle, and my mom, my grandpa was a spy for the United States. They lived in a house with maids. The maids lived around their house. Ironically, they were Vietnamese spies trying to catch and imprison my grandpa.

At the perfect time, my grandpa took off to America, leaving behind his wife and children. After he departed, the maids had revealed their identities. Because of my grandma’s kindness towards them, the maids spared the lives of my grandma and her children. Finally my grandma and her children escaped to America and arrived safely. Who knew kindness could save lives.

Crayon Shenanigans

Crayons, Coloring, Child, Color, Child Coloring, Colour
Image from pixabay

I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I was OBSESSED with crayons. Almost everyone had a box of them. Especially, the ones from Crayola that have a built in sharpener. If you were lucky, you would get the sparkly crayons. I had this beautiful blue sparkly crayon that was ‘limited edition’. A person asked me if they could have it. I said, “Okay, give me one hundred dollars tomorrow.” My wish was granted. A hundred dollar bill right in my hands, for one crayon. I returned home with the bill in my hands. My parents told me to immediately return the money because that was not the right thing to do. I didn’t actually know a person would bring a hundred dollar bill the next day for one crayon? I did just as my parents asked. No follow-up questions. Nothing. I simply gave the bill back to my first grade peer along with the crayon, on the house.


person driving vehicle
Image from unsplash

Hot summer’s day. The AC rushing past you, as it cools your body down. Having chills from the cold blending in with the heat trapped inside the car. Chills. A ritual my dad would follow religiously when my brother and I had trouble sleeping. This ritual indeed worked, almost all the time, like a sleeping pill that worked instantly. What my dad would do was take us for a drive around the neighborhood; just to let us sleep, but later take us back inside the house. Through any weather condition, my dad would complete this. I know he would. I know. Here in California, we don’t have drastic weather changes, such as snow. The snow would’ve been a nice touch to the rain, heat, and wind…

And There I Lay

person sleeping near window
Image from unsplash

I remember the day I got my first B on my middle school report card. I teared up, a lot. Tearing up became sobbing. I was actually depressed believe it or not. This B had actually destroyed, demolished my 4.0 GPA streak. The reason why I was so sad was because I worked so hard for all A’s. All I asked was for a 4.0 GPA through sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Yes, I know. People would kill to be in my shoes. But the fact that people keep calling me ‘smart’ terrified me. I knew deep down I wasn’t.

The end of the year ceremony came. I did not get a medal that had a 4.0 GPA streak throughout all grade levels. I eventually got over it. I told myself, “You know what, sometimes you’re going to fail. And that’s okay. You’ll be alright. I know you will. You’re stronger than that. Better. This grade does not define who you are. You tried your best and that’s all that matters. You’re okay. You’re okay.”

Bánh Xèo

Image result for banh xeo "banh xeo"
Image from

Have you ever had a delicious, warm home-cooked meal? I’ve had plenty. My grandma was the best cook in the world. She had passed down her cooking techniques down onto one child in particular.

My grandma had said her goodbye she passed away in 2013. Leaving behind one of my aunts being the best cook out of the whole family. She travels to most houses in our family and cooks for us. Every family gathering – delicious food. My aunt loves me the most and I know it. She always comes over and cooks for me and I enjoy everything from her presence to the very last morsel. My all time favorite meal my aunt has cooked for me is ‘bánh xèo’. It’s difficult to write the pronunciation and to say if you don’t have an accent with it. It’s basically a scrumptious, crispy, thin Vietnamese crepe. It’s made with my aunt’s special secret recipe, that goes along with her secret recipe for fish sauce. You dip the crepe into the fish sauce and the flavor is so harmonizing. I only love it when my aunt makes it. No other restaurants can make it like hers. I’ve tried one place and the bánh xèo tasted really similar, but the fish sauce was not the same. It’s not the same without her special fish sauce.


Image from unsplash

Fourth grade. When it happened. My grandma was getting weaker from lung cancer. My family and I would always visit her around her apartment complex. November 3, 2013. I mourned for her. My mom was broken. Sobbing nonstop for a week. I was very close to my grandma. I would play with her or walk with her. Cannot anymore. I didn’t know suffering at the time. Suffering I thought. Suffering. I thought life would be cupcakes and rainbows all around. I was wrong. Wrong.

I imagine my life without my grandma. Different. Different. I wept and wept. I didn’t have powers to bring her back to life. None of us did. I couldn’t do anything. Nothing at all. My mother felt her legs, they felt cold as an icicle. With the strong and last chemo therapy, my grandma knew she was nearing the end. She had said so. My mom was in disbelief. Was she wrong. My mom was with my grandma when she took her last breath, she had a smile on her face. Did she see a vision of God before her final seconds? If so, why God? Why her? Why her.

The Life of Pizza

pizza slices
Image from unsplash
  • Pepperoni
  • Sausage
  • Bell Pepper
  • Bacon
  • Ham
  • Pineapple
  • Chicken
  • BBQ Sauce
  • Onions
  • Olives
  • Anchovies
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Basil
  • Tomatoes
  • Parmesan
  • + millions of other toppings

So many options. Many to choose from. Too many. It’s hard to make a decision. Very hard. You want to fit in. Be in the majority. Not the minority. So you go for the classic cheese or pepperoni. Why not pineapple? Sausage? Bacon? No? Okay. Then I guess you’re just the same as everyone else. Being ‘normal’. But why not be a kid again and have insane topping combinations? You can be a kid whenever you want. You make the choices here. Not them. Not them. You.

So I guess this is like life right? Many options for your profession. Too many. It’s hard to choose one. Very hard. You want to fit in. Make a lot of money and be happy in a mansion. You want to be a doctor. Like everyone else. Or a lawyer. But why not the other jobs? Because they’re ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’? Why not be apart of the minority than the majority? Why have pepperoni when you can have pineapple? Or broccoli? Why have a job where you wake up out of your bed to go to your job when it can be at home? Why become an adult when you can still be a kid at the same time? Why not? You can always be an adult but being a kid is even more difficult. Father time flew right past you. Just be one. Before it’s too late. It’s hard. It’s hard. Life is hard.

Dumb Bum

man wearing white top using MacBook
Image from unsplash

The same routine everyday. Wake up, get up, brush your teeth, make lunch, eat breakfast, out the door. This is my dad’s routine. Every week til the weekend. My dad sacrifices all of his time just for my brother and me. He would take care of us while my mom works til dark. I want to make my mom and dad proud, very proud. They want me to succeed in school and go to college. I don’t consider myself dumb but not smart either. I’m not sure I’ll survive when the storm hits. When life hits me. I’m afraid to disappoint my parents, it’s as if I’m upheld to this bar of expectations they had set for me. I can’t be dumb – or a bum. I don’t feel like I got what it takes. Not really. Kind of? But I try my best. That’s all that matters right? Right?


doctors doing surgery inside emergency room
Image from unsplash

Two words. Emergency room. Evening struck. My dad picked me up from my babysitter. My dad’s face was in aw and his jaw dropped. I had a bandaid over my forehead. Turns out I cracked open my head by banging it onto a table. For some odd reason, my babysitter took it upon herself to put a bandaid over the giant hole in my forehead, without contacting my dad right away.

I was rushed to the emergency room. Knocked out by aNeStHeSiA. The doctors had said I was a “brave boy” and that I only cried once when they were stitching. I remember being sleepy and my eyes half shut. Sitting on my dad’s lap. I would sway my head back and forth on my dad’s shoulders. Feeling the comfort of my own dad. It’s a miracle on how I survived.


Take a Break, You Earned it

It’s almost that time for “the most wonderful time of the year”! I’ll definitely be making more posts during winter!

Image result for fall and winter

Anyway, this means that you should start winding down and start relaxing! Everyone deserves to have a break from stress every now and then, especially when the holidays roll by. This is the time to compose yourself and finish the year strong. However, some people may not be able to manage their stress.

“He killed his senses, he killed his memory, he slipped out of his self into thousands of other forms, was an animal, was carrion, was stone, was wood, was water, and awoke every time to find his old self again, sun shone or moon, was his self again, turned round in the cycle, felt thirst, overcame the thirst, felt new thirst.”

Most of the time, everyone is so busy with their lives and don’t really pay attention to what their body needs. Students in college may buy the cheapest, processed food out there in the world just to be satisfied. Our bodies need a lot of nourishment from food. Along with that, stress can also take a toll on the body. This is why each and every one of you need to relax. Whether that be meditation or simply just sitting on the couch. But if you want something that can be more effective than those things, then I recommend autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR.

“Dead to himself, not to be a self any more, to find tranquility with an emptied heard, to be open to miracles in unselfish thoughts, that was his goal.”

From my previous blog post, I go in depth with ASMR, what it’s about and talk about the really important benefits from it. Today, I am finally posting my first ASMR video! I really hope that it can de-stress everyone. If you wish to find tranquility, I would love it if you could try ASMR, especially if you’re stressed out. You can listen to it while you’re in bed, and it will definitely help you sleep too. I’ve listened to ASMR when I’m having those rough nights tossing and turning, thinking about that essay due tomorrow or that next coming final; this is definitely worth trying. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, I highly recommend ASMR. No need to waste money on a medicine or tablet that makes you fall asleep, ASMR is your solution.

Lastly, I hope you can be awakened, or find peace in your life. Just know that everything in life will get better soon. To me, relaxation is very important. It’s what keeps me sane and doesn’t let me have a mental breakdown. This is just a little tip from me, but other than that, have a great day or night!

The video will be posted on my YouTube channel, so go check it out and subscribe! Please email me or leave a reply saying what trigger you would like next! (I can also do custom videos if you would like).



About ASMR!

Hey everyone! My blog will be about ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) as you can probably tell. ASMR is a great way to relief stress and wind down when you get home. Everyone can have stress on a daily basis so it’s very important to control it. That’s where ASMR comes into play. ASMR is all about specific sounds or noises that triggers your brain, in a good way, which helps you relax. These sounds can be soothing and can even make you tingle. There are numerous benefits to listening to ASMR such as improving blood flow, digestion, and mood. ASMR can be incorporated into meditation. To add, you can listen to ASMR while you sleep! Many people have found that they fell asleep faster while listening to ASMR rather than tossing and turning. If you want to get better sleep, stay tuned on my blog for future triggers that can help you sleep! Thanks!

Below contains some of the “science” behind ASMR!

